How to create a Facebook account? How to open a Facebook account? How to create a personal Facebook account? How to create an account without a phone number? How to create an account with Gmail or Hotmail? How to post a message? How to post one or more photos? How to create an album? How to post a video? If for some people creating a Facebook account will take no more than 3 minutes, I receive one or two requests from people on this subject every day. Signing up for Facebook is still relatively easy.Simply follow this instructional exercise bit by bit.
Everyone has their own use of social networks:
1. First, Facebook allows you to connect and keep in touch with friends and family by sending messages, photos, videos and emails
2. Facebook gives access to a Profile so that you can express yourself and share your passions.
3. A Wall centralizes in the same place everything that your network has recently published, allowing you to always stay informed about the happy moments of their lives: birth of a child, wedding, vacation abroad.
4. A Chat service and an email box will allow you to chat and send messages to your friends
How to create a Facebook account?
Go to Facebook and enter your personal information in the registration form on the right. :
1. Fill in your first and last name. Making a Facebook account with an epithet is in principle not permitted, Facebook in any event, spotting upon enlistment usernames that are probably not going to be genuine. Specifically, you risk losing your record assuming Facebook understands that your first and last name are not genuine.
Also note that creating an account on Facebook is free, contrary to what rumors suggest every year. Facebook derives its revenue through advertising and the fact that more than a billion people are registered. Facebook will therefore never pay.
2. Enter your email address and confirm it: it is better to choose an email address that is used regularly so that, in the event of a problem, you can easily recover your password or be alerted if someone tries to use your account without your consent.
3. Choose a secure password preferably different from your email address and composed of more than 8 characters (including numbers) in order to avoid any attempt to steal your Facebook account. Similarly, do not use a password that a stranger could guess by doing some research on the Internet or a common password (eg avoid 987654321, your first name, your birthday).
4. Enter your date of birth. Facebook is restricted for kids under 13.
5. Finally, indicate your gender.
6. Click Create Account.
How to find friends on Facebook?
Your account is now created but Facebook won't let you reach your profile until you've logged into contacts. To do this, you will go through several steps that will allow you to find your present Facebook friends.
1. The next step allows you to connect your mailbox to Facebook in order to find friends who have already registered. You can thus find your friends on Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail.
2. Facebook scans your mailbox to find your contacts on Facebook present in the address book of your mailbox in order to suggest them as friends on Facebook. You can then add them (or not) by clicking on "Add friends".
3. You can also "Skip this step"
How to finalize your Facebook account?
Step 2 allows you to enrich your profile with information that will be accessible by default to your friends. However, you can make this information public or keep it secret, accessible only by yourself. This information can be made public or shared with your friends or remain private. However, be aware that all your information serves as much to create a good profile as to identify your tastes and your personality in order to help brands target you with interesting offers through their advertisements.
To put it into perspective (or not), also be aware that this information voluntarily provided is only a tiny percentage of all the data collected by Facebook (e.g. the analysis of your publications, the history of your browsing, your geographical position traced thanks to your smartphone…)
1. (If you wish so) fill in the city where you live. Your place of residence will be displayed on your profile, but Facebook will also use this data to suggest friends to you.
2. Fill in your city of origin. Facebook will suggest friends from your childhood town.
3. Fill in your college/high school. This information will be visible on your profile but will also give you the opportunity to reconnect with users who have frequented the establishment and whom you have potentially known.
If you are over 18, two additional fields will be available:
4. Your university: If you fill in this information, university friends will be suggested to you.
5. Your company: If you fill in this information, colleagues will be suggested to you
6. Click Save and Continue to validate your information. Click "Skip" to proceed to step 3.
7. Thanks to the information you have given, Facebook will suggest profiles that you may know.
8. Click the +1 Add button to connect the friends you want to add. Click Save and Continue to go to step 3 or Skip if you don't want to add profiles.
Finalize the creation of your Facebook account?
Step 3 is used to validate and finalize the creation of your Facebook account , in particular by inserting the almost most important element: the profile photo.
1. Click "Add Photograph" to transfer the photograph from your PC.
2. If you don't have a photo (or no cool photo), click on the "Take a photo" button to use your webcam to take a snapshot.
3. Click on Save and continue to finally be redirected to your Facebook account or on Ignore if you do not wish to put a photo on your profile for the moment.
Note: Once the creation of your Facebook account is complete, an email allowing you to validate your account will be sent to your email inbox. Click on the link to permanently activate your account.
If the email was not sent or fell into your spam box, rest assured a bar at the very top of the Facebook homepage will allow you to request the resending of the email. By clicking on "Confirm now" you can also let Facebook connect to your mailbox to finalize the validation of your account.
Facebook will offer you from your home page:
1. To find Facebook contacts by connecting to your email box
2. To learn how to control your privacy settings in order to secure your Facebook account
3. To add a photo to your profile if this was not done during the account creation phase
4. Find friends by name or email address
Your account creation is complete. You can now freely consult your home page (the news feed) and your profile (the Wall).
– By clicking on “Find friends” you will be redirected to a page specially designed to find contacts to add.
– By clicking on “Like” on the suggested pages, you can subscribe to these pages. Facebook pages publish in the name of brands (Oasis, Coca…), newspapers (Le Monde, National Geographic…), people known for information. By "liking" a Facebook page, you will receive their posts, photos and videos as if they were a friend.
If Facebook knows your school, college, high school, university or even the city of your childhood, “Nearby Places” (in reality Facebook Pages linked to these places) will be offered to you:
Throughout this account creation phase, Facebook's goal has therefore been to connect you to as many people and pages as possible so that you can never run away (ahahahahah evil laugh).
You can follow thousands of interesting pages: newspapers, blogs, music groups, communities... To follow a page and find out which ones you might be interested in, consult the page suggestions .